
Message from the Chairman


Statement on Behalf of the Parish Council


The announcement of the death of our Queen Elizabeth II last week was sad news indeed. It is remarkable to think that all those under the age of seventy have known no other monarch in their lives. She has officiated at all the great ceremonies of State for as long as any of us can remember and her hard work throughout her reign, representing the country at every opportunityhas been of enormous benefit in establishing the United Kingdom’s place in the World Order.

Accordingly, a Book of Condolence has been set up in All Saints’ Church Offord Cluny and the Church will be open from 9am – 6pm for those who wish to add their signatures and thoughts. At the time of writing a place for the laying of flowers has not been decided upon. If it is, a gentle reminder that the cellophane covers should be removed before placing, in order to avoid the not so pleasant sight of the flowers rotting within.

St Peter’s Church in Offord Darcy will also be open every day for anyone who wishes to have some quiet reflection.

Charles III has now been publicly proclaimed King and we are now at the start of a series of ceremonies being held to honour the passing of Her Majesty, culminating in her State Funeral on September 19th and a further seven days of mourning thereafter.

We shall all face the difficult task of singing the National Anthem, with the last seventy years having firmly entrenched “Queen” into our heads.


Ian Weitzel

Chair of the Parish of Offord Cluny and Offord Darcy