Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend a parish council meeting?

Yes! All members of the public or press are welcome to come along and listen to proceedings.

Can I speak at a Parish Council Meeting?

Yes! There is a section for public questions during the Open Forum at the start of every meeting.  If there is something specific you wish to raise it is useful to let the Clerk know in advance so that information can be gathered for you.

Can I see the minutes?

Yes! The minutes are uploaded to the website every month, usually within a week of the meeting taking place.  They are also placed on the noticeboards throughout the Parish.   You can request your own copy of the minutes by email or on paper.

Can I raise any topic at a Parish Council Meeting?

Yes! You can come along to the meeting and discuss your topic under the public questions section or if you feel it needs to be put on the agenda then you can contact the Clerk or any of the councillors to discuss this prior to the meeting.

When and where do you meet?

The Full Council meets on the 1st Thursday of every month (except August) in the Village Hall in Offord Cluny at 7.30pm. Please check the noticeboard or website for dates. The Committee meetings are usually held in the meeting room of the Village Hall.  Sometimes it is necessary to use the Church Rooms in Offords Darcy so please check the Agenda or contact the Clerk. Leisure & Amenities Committee usually meet on the 4th Monday of the month and are often preceded or followed by Planning Committee and Finance, Risk & General Purposes Committee meetings (when necessary).  Please check the noticeboards or website for dates.

Who should I contact about highway or drainage issues?

You can either contact the clerk or use the following website link which will enable you to log the issue

Who should I contact if there is a tree that has fallen across a road or looks dangerous?

In an emergency, you should contact the Clerk or any councillor Less urgent matters can be reported via

Who do I contact about flooding?

To report river flooding you can contact the Environment Agency incident floodline on 0845 988 1188 or the incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 to speak to an operator for advice 24 hours a day or listen to recorded flood warning information for your area.

Who is responsible for litter?

The village handyman often carries out a litter pick when working in certain areas but as a Council our only employee is the Clerk.  Residents are asked to either deposit litter in one of the many bins provided or take it home.