Huntingdonshire District Council is updating its Local Plan and asking for feedback from residents on the areas they live in.
A Local Plan sets out a plan for future sustainable development in the district. It performs two specific roles:
- It identifies key areas of land for development to deliver the homes, jobs and services needed in the district, and
- Includes policies against which all planning applications are considered.
The Local Plan is the document by which all development in the district is judged, it provides the basis for what can happen, where it can happen and when it can happen.
Why does the Local Plan need to be updated?
The council’s current Local Plan to 2036 was adopted on 15 May 2019 identifying sufficient land for new homes, jobs, facilities, infrastructure, and open spaces to meet known needs.
Town and Country Planning Regulations state that the local planning authority must review it every five years starting from the date of adoption. Additionally, planning legislation has changed nationally so updating the adopted Local Plan is key to ensure it reflects the priorities of the district and local communities and legislation.
The Local Plan alongside Neighbourhood Plans and the Minerals and Waste Local Plan will continue to be used to determine planning applications until the updated Local Plan is completed.
Consultation are currently open on:
- The Call for Sites until Wednesday 7 June 2023
- The Issues Papers until Wednesday 5 July 2023. There are 3 options to help you respond to this:
- The Issues Engagement Paper – an in-depth look at the issues including detailed questions to encourage comprehensive responses
- The Issues Summary Paper – a quick look at the headline issues, with one or two open questions to get your opinions
- The Issues Easy Read Version – a simplified document with tick box questions